This car was built in 1964 and put in storage before completed. The current owner bought it in 1972 and finished it in 1974. It has a 460 ci big-block under the hood. The interior features Mohair seats, cowhide floor mats, and European style gauges.
The Chrysler Atlantic,
(Back view), the retrostyled coupe based on both the
Bugatti Atlantic as well as the
1938 Talbot Lago coupe. Like the Bugatti with the same name, the Chrysler has a Straight Eight of four liters capacity, build by welding two Chrysler Neon Units together. A full Description of the Chrysler is also available.
T57S Atlantic inspired design 47kB
Exoticars-in-utero are a dime a dozen, despite their inevitable
and annoying quarter-million-dollar pricetags. International
Automotive Design unveiled their proposal for a new Bugatti
coupe at the 1994 Society of Automotive Engineers International
Congress in Detroit, knocking the socks off everyone in atten-
dance except pehaps the exoticar builder itself. The 1:4-scale
model's styling descends directly from the pre-war Bugatti 57SC
Atlantic coupe, and it's about the slickest retrostyle proposal seen
yet. Trouble is, don't expect to see it in the flesh; International
Automotive Design is using the design to drum up business for
their west coast design center, not to flesh out a contract from the
Bugatti factory - which is quite a pity.