Archive of Bugatti miniatures

Archive of Bugatti miniatures
April 2006
March 2006
- 1:43 Luxcar Bugatti T57 1938 Galibier (red) resin- ready made
- 1:43 Luxcar Bugatti ??? s yet unknown which model resin- ready made
Neurenberg Announcements:
- 1:43 Guiloy/Mercury Bugatti T35A 1925 metal- ready made
- 1:43 Ixo Bugatti T41 Royale Esders Roadster Metal- ready made was sold with a magazine earlier.
- 1:43 Looksmart Bugatti Chiron metal- ready made
- 1:43 Looksmart Bugatti T57S Atlantic (more versions) metal- ready made
- 1:20 Solido Bugatti T41 Royale coupé Napoleon (re-edition) metal- ready made
January 2006
- 1:43 Heco #401 Bugatti T.57S Tourer (Black) resin- ready made
- 1:43 Dieter Terbeck - "DTD" Bugatti Type 1 resin- ready made
June 2005
- 1:43 Ma Collection Bugatti T101 Guilloré resin- ready made
After a special request by Dutchman Ger Bus, who sent numerous photographs of the car, that currently is in the Netherlands.
May 2005
February 2005
- 1:43 Paradcar Bugatti T252 resin- ready made
January 2005
- 1:24 Le Mans
Miniatures Bugatti T.57G Tank Race#2 LM '37 Pre-painted Kit
- 1:24 Le Mans
Miniatures Jean Pierre Wimille figure Kit not-painted

December 2004
The AutoArt models are now being sold! Both 2 versions of the Veyron, as well as the Chiron are available.
- 1:43 Heco#392 Bugatti T.57SC Ch.57374 '36 In desplay case (With open doors,
fixed, not mobile) resin Built
- 1:43 Heco#393 Bugatti 25th Anniversay Van model with CD of Heco history resin Built
- 1:43 Heco#394 Bugatti T41 Royale Chassis '32. resin Built
- 1:43 Tin Wizard#305 Bugatti T.57 Ventoux metal Built or kit
November 2004
- 1:43 Al & Ruby T55 Tank, 1945 Resin Built or kit
- 1:43 Vroom T.57S
Gangloff Drophead Ch. 57533.
Resin Built or kit
- 1:43 Look Smart Veyron 2003 in combination with the Pepple Beach
Winner 2003, the fantastic Bugatti T.57SC Atlantic 1936
A) Red / Black
B) Dark Silver / Silver
C) Dark Blue / Blue
Please note that colour schemes belong to Bugatti Veyron only.

August 2004
- 1:43 BSK RANGE EB 218 (This a very high detailed handbuilt model) Limited edition 50 only. Resin / Metal Built
- 1:43 HK RANGE Bugatti BeBe Top up Resin Built (Engine detailed)
- 1:43 HK RANGE Peugeot BeBe Top up Resin Built (Engine detailed)
- 1:43 GCM#06 T.29 Cigar Resin kit and built
- 1:43 GCM#07 T.13 Brescia Resin kit and built
- 1:7 Xin Qiang Bugatti Veyron Plastic RC model
Finally a big model of the Veyron, not very good, but very big, and your son (or yourself) can really drive it! I found it on Ebay only. Still no news on the AutoArt Veyron.

June 2004
- 1:43 Héco No.388 Bugatti T57C Stelvio Resin Built
- 1:43 Héco No.391 Bugatti T57C Gangloff '39 Resin Built
- 1:8 RAE Bugatti T57S Corsica Colonel Giles Ready made
April 2004
- ±1:8 Exacto Bugatti T35 Metal kit, meccano-like see:
- 1:43 Héco Bugatti T.57C Atalante with open door Resin Built
- 1:43 MR EB 16/4 VeyronResin Built
- Auto Art again announced in both 1:43 and 1:18 scale the EB18-4 Chiron, and the EB16-4 Veyron in two versions: Frankfurt 2001, and Genève 2003.
October 2003
- 1:43 Héco T41 Royale Binder Resin Built
- 1:43 Héco T57 GuilloretResin Built
July 2003
For some while we have seen very few affordable new models. Ixo is now on the move, with their Le Mans models, but also with a T35 (which I saw on Ebay first). Another one first to be spotted there, was a HotWheels T57C Shah of Iran car! From the photo it looked quite good, actually. It seems to be sold together with a Cadillac only.
- 1:43 IXO1937 Bugatti T57G Le MansMetal Built
- 1:43 IXOclc029 Bugatti T35BMetal Built
- 1:64 Hot Wheels Bugatti T57C Van Vooren Shah of Iran Metal Built
Apart from this AutoArt is now officially announcing the first Bugattis on their Website (as coming soon)
Announced are:
- 1:43 AutoArt 50921 BUGATTI CHIRON (BLUE/BLACK)
- 1:43 AutoArt 50931 BUGATTI VEYRON (BLACK/RED)
- 1:18 AutoArt 70921 BUGATTI CHIRON (BLUE/BLACK)
- 1:18 AutoArt 70931 BUGATTI VEYRON (BLACK/RED)
April 2003
- 1:43 Héco 377: T41 Royale Packard (Black & Green) Resin Built
- 1:43 Héco 378: T57C Stelvio (Black & Yellow)Resin Built
- 1:43 Héco 379: T57S Atalante (Black & Yellow) Resin Built
- 1:43 Héco 380: T57C Ventoux (Black) Resin Built
March 2003
- 1:43 MCM#44 T.17 Brescia LM '23 Race#28 or 29 (All in Metal) Kit & Built
- 1:43 ABC Chiron EB18/3 1999 (Resin & metal) Kit & Built
- 1:43 CCC T41 Royale Superdetailed Chassis with engine. Metal Kit
January 2003
- 1:66? Hot Wheels 16-4 Veyron
The first one I located, this small Veyron should be in the shops already, as I have seen it on Ebay!
December 2002
- 1:43 Ixo T57C LeMans 1939
June 2002
- 1:24 with engine detail CG T.51 Monaco '31 Chiron Race#22
- 1:24 with engine detail CG T.51 GP Monaco Varzi '30 Race#10
- 1:43 Ma Collection T.44 Faux Cab. D' Ieteren '28 (Three tone) Resin, ready made
- 1:43 MCM T.55 LM '32 Race#15 Resin, kit and ready made
- 1:43 MCM T.55 LM '32 Race#16 Resin, kit and ready made
- 1:43 CCM#01 T.57 Sodomka Cab. Ch.57505 Resin, ready made
- 1:43 CCM#02 T.57 La Chaperon Cab. Ch.57349 Resin, ready made
- 1:43 CCM#03 T.57 Van Vooren Cab. Ch.57274 Resin, ready made
May 2002
- Finally a model of the Bugatti Veyron! This will be made by Autoart in both 1:18 and 1:43 scale, and will be available end of 2002, beginning of 2003.
Bugatti SAS decided to bring out all cars VW-EB as a miniature: EB118, EB218, Veyron 18/4 & 16.4 in scale 1/43; probably also 1:18 and the Veyron 16.4 also in 1/24! Everything by Auto Art (China) and around 2002/03.
- 1:43 Héco T.57C Stelvio Gangloff '34 (Two tone)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Héco T.50 Superprofilee (Two tone)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Ma Collection T44 D’Ieteren saloon 1928
Resin, ready made
March 2002
No news from Neurenberg, the international "Toy" fair in Germany. No Bugatti models were shown or announced, except for a pair of Le Mans winners (57G and C), which were also announced last year (now by IXO). There were no models of the EB16-4 announced either, which is becoming about time. Maybe that Volkswagen has the models made especially, to sell them theirselves at first.
December 2001
- 1:43 Héco T.57C Stelvio '34 Closed (Black)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Héco Royale Coupe du Patron (Black & Blue)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 DTD T.18 Roland Garros Coupe with dicky seat (Two tone)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 MCM T.55 LM '32 Abandon (Available in February 2002)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Le Mans miniatures Bugatti Airplane 100P
Resin, kit and pre-painted kit
November 2001
- 1:43 Héco T50 Profilée
Resin, ready made
September 2001
- 1:24 CG (MCM range) T.35B 1st G.P of Monaco '29
Resin, kit or ready made
May 2001
- 1:43 HécoT57C Ventoux Ch.57107, balck & Yellow
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Miniatures du chateauT50T 1933 Superprofilee
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 LeMans Miniatures110P Airplane
Resin, ready made
- 1:24 MCMT50 LM, Race #2, Labric & Veyron
Resin, ready made
- 1:? KMT35B hill climb diorama in bronze
- 1:? KMelephant statue
- 1:? Art collection autoT35 radiator
- 1:? Art collection autoT35B radiator
April 2001
From this year´s Neurenberg news, only two items. most probably for a series of Le Mans winners:
- 1:43 VitesseT57 G
Metal, ready made
- 1:43 VitesseT57C
Metal, ready made
February 2001
- 1:43 DTDT.30 Profile '24 With six side windows (Red)
Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Ma CollectionT50 Coach Millon Guiet 1932 red and black réf 94.
Resin, ready made
January 2001
- 1:24 Christin Gouel T50 LeMans Supermodel, 1000 parts
- 1:43 Amis du 1/43 T57 Ventoux, 1934 Ch. 57119 (Two tone) Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Amis du 1/43 T57 Ventoux, 1935 Ch. 57204 (Two tone) Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Heco T57C Decouvrable (black and cream) Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Heco T57C Van Vooren 1939 Shah of Persia Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Heco Royale Coupe Fiacre (black & Yellow) Resin, ready made
- 1:43 DTD Miniatures T7 Mathis Hermes Simplex 90 HP Sport 1909 Resin, ready made
- 1:43 EB Club T38 Sodomka open or closed Resin, ready made
- 1:43 EB Club T49 Ch242, original car with large trunk Resin, kit or ready made
- 1:43 EB Club T49 Ch242, The later Kiefer car Resin, kit or ready made
- 1:43 EB Club T49 Ch242, Without hubcaps, signal lights and left mirror Resin, kit or ready made
- 1:43 EB Club T49 Ch221, Tourer 4 seater convertible Resin, kit or ready made
November 2000
- 1:43 ABC Brianza EB 18/3 Chiron Resin, kit or handbuilt
- 1:8 Yu-Can T35? Plastic kit Electric radio controlled
August 2000
- 1:43 Provence Moulage EB 18/4 Veyron Geneve 2000 Resin, kit
- 1:43 Aquavit EB112 Resin, ready made saw it for sale, must have been for sale longer
June 2000
- 1:43 Provence Moulage EB 18/4 Veyron Resin, kit
April 2000
- 1:43 Héco Royale Sedan Resin, ready made
December 1999
- 1:24 Burago T55 Mille Miglia metal, ready made
Augustus 1999
- 1:43 Provence Moulage Raceboat Bugatti Niniette Resin, kit
October 1999
- 1:43 Héco Royale Weyman 1929 Resin, ready made
- 1:43 Héco57S Atalante Roadney Clark Resin, ready made
June 1999
- 1:43 Microworld T59 Coppa Vanderbilt Mayer 1936 Diorama
- 1:43 Brumm Brescia 90 years Bugatti Metal, ready made
- 1:43 Brumm T59 90 years Bugatti Metal, ready made
- 1:43 Brumm T57S Atlantic 90 years Bugatti Metal, ready made
- 1:43 Brumm T57S 90 years Bugatti Metal, ready made
March 1998
In the beginning of the year the great firms present (some of) their news at Nürnberg, Germany.
- 1:43 Leader Type 57 (S?) Atlantic resin, semi hand-made
- 1:43 Rio Type 41 Coach Kellner metal, ready made
- 1:43 Rio Type 41 Park Ward metal, ready made
- 1:43 Rio Type 35 Sports metal, ready made These three were also announced last year!
- 1:87 MZZ Type 41 Coach Kellner resin + metal, ready made
- 1:87 MZZ Type 41 Coupe de Ville Binder resin + metal, ready made
- 1:87 MZZ Type 41 Coach Fiacre resin + metal, ready made
- 1:87 MZZ Type 41 Coach Weymann resin + metal, ready made
- 1:87 MZZ Type 41 Packard Cabriolet resin + metal, ready made Including the ones from 1996, MZZ now produces all Royales in 1:87 scale!
- 1:18 Guiloy Chrysler Atlantic metal, ready made Not really a Bugatti, but maybe interesting to some Bugattistes for the connections it has with the Bugatti Atlantic
Apart from this there is one interesting, and affordable new miniature:
- ca. 1:32 Lego Type 40 Sahara Plastic, Toy
December 1997
Info: Raymond Stofer
- 1:43 Héco Type 57SC Atlantic EXK 6 resin, ready made
- 1:43 Héco Type 41 Royale Weinberger resin, ready made
November / December 1997
Info: Raymond Stofer
November 1997
- 1:43 Héco Type 57 Aerolithe, 1936 resin, ready made
- 1:43 Héco Type 41 Royale Esders, 1937 resin, ready made
September 1997
- 1:43 Ma Collection Type 40 Van, "Boulangerie" from Le Mans resin, ready made
July 1997
- 1:32 SCX Matchbox EB110 LeMans 1994, and IMSA plastic, with motor
- 1:18 Majorette-Platinum EB110 metal, ready made
- 1:43 Norev EB110 SS World speed record on ice, 1995 resin, ready made
- 1:43 Provence Moulage EB110 SS Sears Point 1995, Daytona 1996 resin, kit
May 1997
- 1:43 Provence Moulage EB110 SS Watkins Glen 1996 (This must be 1995, as in 1996 no Bugatti competed at Watkins Glen, see the special EB110 Racing issue of the Bugatti revue,JJH) resin, kit
March 1997
In the beginning of the year the great firms present (some of) their news at Nürnberg, Germany.
- 1:43 Rio T41 Royale Coach Kellner metal, ready made
- 1:43 Rio T41 Royale Park Ward metal, ready made
Rio is steadily increasing their line of Royale's coming close to making all models. However the miniatures are far from perfect, the radiator is wrong, the engine is the rebuilt Weinberger version with 4 carburettors, not the original Molsheim Unit. However these are reasonable value for money. Do not espect to see the above miniatures in the shops very quickly though!
- 1:43 Rio 1924 T35 metal, ready made
This is ALL the Bugatti news from Nürnberg! Not very much.....
May 1996
- 1:43 Starter Tank 1st GP France 1936, resin, hand build
- 1:43 Aquavit EB112, resin, hand build
- 1:43 Provence Moulage EB110 GTI Daytona 1996, resin, kit
Vive La Marque !!
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